Software Developer Samuli Eronen
In this part of the #SarakePeople series, we get to know Software Developer Samuli Eronen. What inspires Samuli in his work and why did he originally become interested in coding?
Published 16.4.2024
Tell us a bit about yourself.
I originally started my studies in automotive engineering at Metropolia, which I pursued for about a year. However, during my first year of studies, I realized that the field wasn’t for me. Then I saw an advertisement for a coding school in Helsingin Sanomat and decided to try my luck. I got into the school, and eventually, after my studies, ended up working at Sarake. Before Sarake, I worked at another company. I think I saw the job posting for Sarake on LinkedIn and decided to apply.
What does your role at Sarake entail?
My role mainly involves programming and project work with clients. I’m also the CEO, which stands for Chief Entertainment Officer, meaning I’m the chairman of Sarake’s entertainment committee. These tasks keep me busy throughout the year.
What is the most interesting project you’ve worked on at Sarake?
The most interesting project I’ve worked on is a large client project. The most intriguing aspect of the project is the scope of the system and the fact that there are many users, so changes and improvements have a significant impact on the end user experience. The work is also very diverse. Additionally, receiving positive feedback from the system’s users always warms my heart.
Why would you encourage coders to apply to work at Sarake specifically?
You should apply to work at Sarake because we have interesting and diverse tasks and a really good atmosphere. The employment benefits are also really good.
What is the most challenging aspect of your job? And what is the most inspiring?
The most challenging aspect is understanding and managing large-scale systems, especially when developing something with significant functionality or integration. Problems need to be approached from a broader perspective. You can’t just consider the technical aspect; you also have to consider how users perceive and experience the end result.
The most inspiring aspect, on the other hand, is the freedom in doing the work. I have a lot of responsibility in my client projects, so I often have relatively free rein in implementing the client’s wishes. I listen to the client’s needs, plan, and together with the client, implement a solution that works specifically for them.
What is the best thing about Sarake?
The best thing about Sarake is definitely the nice colleagues and clients, as well as the relaxed and flexible work culture.
What is a typical day like for you?
Simply put, my day looks like this: I start my morning with a cup of coffee, then I start coding. Coding is interrupted for lunch break, after which I continue coding until the end of the workday. In reality, there are also project meetings and chats with colleagues around the coffee table.
Favorite activities in your free time?
In my free time, I like to spend time with friends, try out the offerings of Helsinki’s restaurants, boulder, and fulfill interior design dreams. I also enjoy taking ceramics courses.
If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things from the office would you take with you?
I would take the giant sofa from our lounge area, drinks from the fridge, and the TV from the conference room.
Specialty in the kitchen?
I’m pretty good at making lemon risotto with jumbo shrimp cooked in garlic oil.
Dream job as a child?
As a kid, I wanted to be an architect.
A fun fact about you?
I’ve been playing the violin for a long time.
If you could host a dinner and invite any living or deceased person, who would you invite?
I would invite Steve Jobs, Gal Gadot, and the Monty Python comedy group.